Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Road to Pennsylvania Part 1

Hello All,

Over the next 5 days as I travel from Sacramento CA to Ridley Park PA, I will try and take a few pictures along the way and give some updates on what it's like to drive across the country in modern times as I know some of you haven't even been East of southern California.

Day started at 6:15am and got underway driving around 7:15 after loading the last of the luggage into my car. The first few hours were traversing CA I-80 through Tahoe, Truckee, and on to Reno. I wish I found the camera earlier as there as some awesome fog coming off Donner lake and an unusual amount of lingering fog along the freeway that seems to rarely happen. This was kinda nice for scenery, but was annoying as Caltrans shut down one of the lanes, so being stuck behind Semis sucks. On a note for snow-bound folks, no snow yet, but it's supposed to be coming by the end of the week or so.

After passing through Reno, the last major city for basically the entire first leg, I have to say Nevada is basically a high desert of nothing but rolling hills. As my dad likes to say, it was "miles and miles of miles and miles", which I think pretty accurately describes the entire state of Nevada. The first couple pictures are from this stretch (I have a couple more, but they all look exactly the same since Nevada looks exactly the same).

Passing into Utah, you hit the salt fields and a time change, so it's actually 9:42 when I write this for those on the West Coast. The salt flats for those who don't know is where they used to do speed tests of cars/motorcycles/and some planes. The terrain change I think was the biggest thing, where NV is rolling hills of low brush with the occasional stream/river, UT is like a dry lake bed with standing water and muddy flats. The best part of Utah is going through a tunnel under a blasted mountain with trains coming the other way simultaneously. Unfortunately, this really didn't make a good picture, so no luck there. About 100 miles later, I finally got to Salt Lake City and to the hotel, where the last picture comes from. Apparently there was a recent snow storm here, hence the snow capped mountains, but I am missing the next wave by a couple days in favor of "warm" weather.

Thus pretty uneventful first leg of 644 miles, tomorrow I go through Montana and end up in Nebraska, after getting my car looked at first cause the oil pressure is spiking for some reason and the gas efficiency light is on for some reason too.

Sorry no BLC for those looking for the three part episode, I promise I will get it soon. PLUS since I am SLAMcast after all, I am going to have some casts from DoctorClock, QXC, and a 2200+ Terran player who is also offering some advice for new players.

1 comment:

  1. I told you that I would read your blog! I love the desert in Nevada! So gorgeous. Any pictures of Montana? Did you go through Missoula or Florence? And, just for good measure....ARE WE THERE YET?!
